June 06, 2012

Sweet Ravioli with Handmade Ricotta & Strawberry

 Straining excess whey from my homemade whole (cow) milk Ricotta
Mixing it with in-season strawberries, a good heaping spoon full of moist brown sugar, & a squirt of lime juice.
Wanton wrappers are my easy ravioli cheat. Someday I'll be ambitious enough to make my own pasta dough...
I feel like shapes influence texture.  These "flying geese" shapes were my favorite.
They turned out rather well (to my surprise as i made this up on the fly.  it's what happens when i have an excess of any food & no desire to plan ahead.).  They were lightly sweet and the lime brought out the headiness of  the strawberries.  The ricotta gave it further richness & a hint of unsweetened cheesecakey-ness.  In short this was an unexpected success.  I can't wait to try it again with raspberries & perhaps a little olive oil.