March 23, 2013

Parmigiano Reggiano + Honey

    Local Colorado clover honey and The-Real-Deal Parmigiano Reggiano.  This is what love looks like...and tastes like.  I'm ever the sucker for the simplicity of food.  This particular pairing goes along with my "put some honey on it" opinion of cheese.  When lacking any other fancy-pants pairings for impromptu cheese plates honey always comes to the rescue.  Yes, even on Camembert. Yes, I know it's weird.
    All things aside adding honey to Parmigiano really punches up the flavor of both.  the nutty, salty, crunch of the cheese is magnified by the dense, intoxicating, astringent sweetness of the honey. 
   Try this pairing with different types of honey for totally different flavor profiles!  Honey with lavender, orange blossom honey, or honey with chilies, to name but a few. 
Try it out! You won't be sad.